What is Karaoke? (To you)
Well I am not about to give a boring and intelligence insulting article about Japan and empty orchestras and a historical lecture but what I personally feel karaoke should be about. So firstly i would like to say what I feel Karaoke is NOT.
Karaoke is NOT a Singing competition (although many do have competitions and that’s great but not every karaoke night should be seen as a competition!)
Karaoke is NOT X factor (singers are normally much better on the whole than on x factor!)
Karaoke is NOT Horrendous wailing singers (but if you can’t sing who cares it’s about having fun!)
Karaoke is NOT only for Drunk people
Karaoke is NOT an insulting term
Karaoke is NOT dying out or tacky
Karaoke is NOT just for back street pubs but can work at Weddings and other classy high end events if done properly.
It can sometimes have elements of all the above but in my mind good Karaoke nights have none of these traits
Karaoke however is FUN! Too many get worried about how they sound rather than enjoying themselves, Karaoke is about letting your hair down and expressing yourself.
I as a host get as much pleasure seeing a singer, singing from the heart and mind who may not hit all the notes or be in the right key or lack timing BUT I feel what they feel as I do to the trained pros that occasionally frequent my nights, it is not just about vocal ability. It’s about having FUN and conveying emotion!
If you are worried about rotation and when you are up next and not listening to others, you are missing the point!
If you are terrified and worried about peoples reaction you again are missing the point, it is about enjoying the night and sharing others joy for music.
One great thing about Karaoke is the true diversity of music and songs in a night at a disco it’s unlikely that music would go from extremes genre changes as often as it does on Karaoke. If you have a genuine love of music and all genres Karaoke is a way to discover new genres hidden old gems and listen to favourite classics.
A good host encourages singers and creates a none hostile environment, The host will make sure the audience will clap and encourage you, a good host will also help if you wish for advice on what new songs to sing rather than you singing the same song every week but also support you if you are not confident enough to sing something new.
If you feel stressed after an evening of Karaoke, you are going the wrong places.
If you come away feeling on top of the world and eager for another night, you have been to any one of the quality hosts at KI
Keep on singing and remember it’s all about the fun!!